Hello Everyone and welcome to my personal website. While I spend my full time running my business ACWTV and Attila’s Creative Works LLC, I do enjoy creative outlets like music, film, TV and art. I’ve enjoyed many rich experiences throughout my life and career. I have been immersed in film and music for fun and for work. I’ve worked closely with film legends like George A. Romero and rock and roll legends like Judas Priest frontman, Rob Halford. I also dabble in music myself. I consider myself an expert on Classic TV and Film which is why I launched a Roku channel with that very same name.
I’m one in many with many stories
In my blog, I will posting some of my current events, past experiences of both business and pleasure, but I also look forward to sharing a variety of fun stories and images like unique rock and roll clippings I saved from the ’70s with personal stories attached to them. I have music and movie collectibles like vintage tour books, comic books, magazines galore, original movie lobby cards, antique projectors, cameras and even a 1930s Disney Movie Jector.
Please take a look around my site to get to know me and then enjoy my blog.
Best wishes,
Attila Juhasz