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Bands I’ve Seen Live

I've seen hundreds of live shows. In the late 70s and throughout the 80s I went to clubs almost weekly and tried to see all my favorite major rock acts whenever they were in town, and sometimes I traveled out of town. Here's a list of 340 live performances I've seen of major act bandsRead More »Bands I’ve Seen Live

25 Years Ago Unapix Entertainment Acquired From Attila Juhasz

On December 3, 1998, Unapix Entertainment Inc., a publicly traded company, purchased the genre site I created,, from me and hired me as their Director of Internet Marketing. How and why did I build the site and then how did I sell it? Being a writer and trying to make connections in the industry,Read More »25 Years Ago Unapix Entertainment Acquired From Attila Juhasz